Accomodation and Places of Interest
Schloß Karlsruhe; source of image: wikipedia,
In Karlsruhe you can find many hotels. Here we have linked a site which is presenting some of them.
Please note: Because participation at this conference is free of charge, we are not able to search or to book hotelrooms for the conferences participants.
If you want to visist tourist sites near Karlsruhe, the following links may help you finding some interest locations:
Bad Herrenalb
sites informing about "Zisterzienserkloster 'Alba Dominorum'"
sites informing about Heidelberg
sites informing about "Kloster Maulbronn"
sites informing about "Majolika Keramik Manufaktur"
Here, you find a linked map of Karlsruhe
At the related wikipedia-site you find some informations about Karlsruhe